Bioenergetic Therapy for Anxiety Relief

We live in an increasingly stressful society with an onslaught of information from social media, twenty-four-hour news cycles and constant notifications. It’s no surprise that in the last decade, there has been a stark increase in those suffering from anxiety and anxiety disorders. While anxiety is something we all experience, for some it can be a debilitating disorder which causes them to withdraw from society and negatively impacts their interpersonal relationships. Getting to the root cause of your anxiety, and understanding how symptoms appear for you and what triggers them can make a big difference in decreasing your suffering so you can live with anxiety rather than suffering from it. Bioenergetic Therapy is a non-invasive and empowering option when it comes to treating anxiety, allowing you to get to the root cause of your anxious thoughts so you can adjust your lifestyle and behaviour to decrease anxiety in your day-to-day life.


Anxiety disorders are typically characterized as excessive feelings of fear and an overactive fight or flight response. Everyone has a fight or flight response - a psychological reaction in the presence of a mental or physical threat that causes the release of hormones that prepare the body to stay and fight or flee a situation. While this response is key in the face of genuine danger, many people experience an extreme stress response in low-stakes situations leading to increased levels of anxiety. This can cause avoidant behaviour, fear of the future and negatively impact the work and social life of those who suffer. There are several types of anxiety disorders characterized by different symptoms including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and selective mutism.


Sometimes referred to as Neuro-Energetic Kinesiology, Bioenergetic Therapy originated in Hong Kong and utilizes techniques to defuse stress in the nervous system with a combination of acupuncture points and finger modes. The treatment focuses on non-invasive, calming and muscle-monitoring techniques to unlock and access the subconscious to identify the root cause of trauma and physical or emotional symptoms resulting from stress stored in the body. Sessions typically include a scan to locate stress in the body, identification of stressors and the best resolve for them based on biofeedback, and support releasing negative thoughts, tension, and blockages in the body using acupressure, meridian tracing and positive affirmations.


Bioenergetic Therapy doesn’t just focus on the symptoms but on the root cause of pervasive mental and physical health issues. When it comes to anxiety, your Bioenergetic Therapist will focus on getting to the root cause of stress in your body, why your symptoms manifest the way they do, and what your body requires for balance. By tapping into your subconscious, Bioenergetic Therapy can help you better understand the connection between physical discomfort (i.e. chronic digestive issues or migraines/headaches) and anxiety so you can begin to understand how to relieve these symptoms, lessening the presence of stress in your body. Oftentimes, patients will discover during treatment that their symptoms are exacerbated by an imbalance in the body (i.e. low magnesium) that they were unaware of.

Sometimes a reduction in symptoms is as easy as beginning new supplements, other times, the subconscious reveals deep-rooted trauma and ingrained beliefs that must be untangled to begin the healing process. During treatment, your Bioenergetic Therapist can help reveal subconscious behaviours and beliefs that may be increasing your anxiety without you realizing it. This discovery can allow you to begin altering patterns of behaviour that are subconsciously contributing to your stress levels. By performing light muscle testing while asking you to answer questions about your stress levels and symptoms, as well as repeating affirmations out loud, your Bioenergetic Therapist will be able to identify gaps between your subconscious thoughts and what you believe to be true helping to reveal deeper truths about your body and self-image. Bioenergetic Therapy provides clients with the information and tools needed to focus on altering toxic thought and behaviour patterns, improving their quality of life and overall mental state.

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